In Transit, winner of the New Criterion Poetry Prize, Criterion Books, 2021


“A Vision” and “Genesis,” 32 Poems, Issue 44, forthcoming

from “Crude” (sonnets 10, 11, and 15), Alabama Literary Review, forthcoming

from “Crude” (sonnets 6, 7, and 8), ballast journal, Issue 2.3, Summer 2024

“El Segundo” and from “Crude” (sonnets 18, 19, 20, and 34), Subtropics, Issue 35, Spring/Summer 2024

from “Crude” (sonnet 27), About Place, Vol. 8, Issue 1: Strange Wests, June 2024

from “Crude” (sonnets 44 and 46), Image, Issue 117, July 2023

from “Crude” (sonnets 1, 2, and 17), AGNI, Issue 96, October 2022

“The Death of Argos,” Best American Poetry Blog, presented by Mary Jo Salter, March 2022

“Explaining Myself,” “Nocturne,” and “Housesitting,” The New Criterion, January 2022

“Palimpsest,” 32 Poems, Volume 19, Number 2, Fall/Winter 2021

“Inlaying a Butterfly” and “Pig Roast,” Alabama Literary Review, Volume 30, 2021

“Gutting the House,” Measure Review, Summer 2021

“The Death of Argos,” The Hopkins Review, Summer 2020

“The Invisible World,” “North of the Border,” and “In-Flight Entertainment,” Alabama Literary Review, Volume 28, Winter 2019

“Katabasis for E.,” The Hopkins Review, Volume 12.1, Winter 2019

“How Do You Wear Your Nakedness?,” Subtopics, Issue 26, Fall/Winter 2018

“Wonderwall,” The Hopkins Review, Volume 11.2, Spring 2018

“Valediction at Lake Livingston,” Birmingham Poetry Review, Issue 45, Spring 2018


“Blissful Youth,” on Ashley Sojin Kim’s ‘The Monets in the Garden at Argenteuil, 1873,’” 32 Poems, 2021

Interview with A.E. Stallings, Subtropics, 2016